Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Christian Singles Dating Expert Advice: Seeking God's Intended - Do Attend Mid Week Church Services

Single Christians do want to pursue a variety of help to find their God's intended celestial mate for them.

When you are a single Christian / Catholic man or woman looking for your Christian Soul Mate, often you'll be looking for that love at church. Now, if you're making efforts to visit other area churches of your same or aligned faith, do keep this in mind when scheduling your calendar. Not every Christian church actually has a Christian Singles Ministry. Additionally, not every Christian / Catholic single finds their Christian / Catholic Soul Mate at church in only the ministries that you would immediately think would attract and draw the singles.

Sometimes the very place you'll meet your Christian / Catholic Soul Mate or meet your Soul Mate through is a ministry unrelated to singles. Keep in mind, many singles meet their mate through acquaintances or friends. The majority of singles meet their mate through shared experiences and friends. How can you leverage that attribute of how singles meet their mate? Do aim to expand your social circle a bit. Look to host potluck dinners or luncheons at your place. And ask to be included at your new friends such events. Often it is in the second degree of influence out from your initial contact where you'll meet, connect with and bond with your Christian / Catholic Soul Mate.

What might that mean for you as a Single Christian Online Seeking God's Intended for You?

You could aim to attend the Ladies Ministry Group, the Men's Ministry Group. The Men's Prayer Group, or Active Prayer Ministry. Some ministries are more contemplative than others. Try one of each. If you are more of an active type, a doer sort, then often the person who will complement your temperament will have a slightly more introspective tendency than you do. So go look for the prayer groups. Attend the Days of Prayer which churches will often host in early May as well as on major national holiday Mondays when most people are off of work. If you are the spiritual introverted sort who want to pray for something to happen and leave the rest "to the Lord," then perhaps assist with a more action oriented ministry. Some good groups for you to consider joining and attending are outreach ministries, to the elderly, to a nursing home, to the homeless. Be on the look out for an active outreach ministry group which serves in an inner city urban Gospel ministry serving food directly to the homeless.

You don't have to do these things all the time. However, by stretching yourself just a little you may find yourself having reached your very Soul Mate and looking into their eyes beside you in prayer and service. And by doing something you two get to pre-taste what a shared life would be like together in a Christian Relationship. And that is what marriage is actually all about, isn't it?

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1 comment:

  1. It' so important for christian singles to have the opportunity to meet different people through christian activities and programs.
