Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Is It a Good Idea for a Christian to Date a Non Christian?

Today's Christians singles frequently meet other singles at the workplace, during an activity group, as well as socially at a friend's party. Is it wise to date outside of your faith? Decide for yourself in advance of facing this contemporary culture issue for single Christians.

Why are you dating?

Are you dating in order to find a mate and get married? To get married is more of the dating relationship goal of the 30 something singles as well as singles in the 40s.

However, often college age singles are not wanting to get married right now. College dating can often be a time more for relationship and communication skill development more than it is a time for life mate marriage partner selection time. If you are dating for finding a mate, then sharing the same religion is likely very important to tyou. However, if you are dating more to become skilled at conversing and socializing with the opposite sex, sharing the same religious identification and your date being a non-Christian can be an ok thing. In fact, it can aid you in stretching yourself culturally which enriches your life and your professional ability to relate well to others which can serve you well in your future career.

Do you want to have children with your future life mate?

If you are in the child bearing and rearing age group, then you definitely want to consider if raising your children in the faith you identify with is important and perhaps imperative to you. If you have decided you do not want children, you and your potential mate having different religions is less of an issue.

If you are past the age of having and raising children, then the paramount importance of your future spouse being a Christian like you are become less important in the hierarchy of mate selection criteria and character attributes.

Are you marriage minded now?

For the Christian singles who are dating with an eye towards actively seeking to find love and their future spouse, then be careful dating a Non-Christian. Dating a Non-Christian can be fine when your date is your escort. Even in our contemporary culture there are plenty of personal social and business social events where single men and women need to attend the event as a couple. When that is the case, your date need not be someone for whom you have romantic feelings. Instead, your date might be your escort.

However, singles often report that the man or woman they start seeing casually as a friend on a regular basis that they find they do start to develop romantic feelings for them. So do be careful what you are letting yourself in for. If you date someone casually for companionship and having a regular escort, you might find one, the other, or both of you start to get emotionally attached. If you do not seriously consider them a romantic contender and serious possibility for marriage, exercise caution and care for their feelings.

Having friends who are Non-Christians is a wonderful thing which enriches our modern lives. However, unless your Christian faith is more your ethnic identity and is not important to you, then avoid dating Non-Christians habitually when your primary goal is to seek a Christian spouse.

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