Friday, June 8, 2012

Perfect Unity - a Vision From God

August 28, 1996, I was on board a Cathay Pacific Airline bound for Hongkong. It was my first time to ride an airplane. I read a book about our life's condition when in the airplane. It says there that one side of our life is at the grave. I remember that article while the plane was taking off. Fear suddenly overwhelmed me. I don't know what to do. I just closed my eyes and then said a short prayer. I was dumbfounded after I opened my eyes. I don't know if I had a dream or a vision. I thought I was asleep and dreamt. In fact, it was an awesome dream but was different from my other dreams as it pertains to religion.

When I accepted the job offer to work in Abu Dhabi, I made a mission statement to unite the Christian denominations. I want to win back all those denomination that had separated from the Roman Catholic Church. I want them to come back to her fold. It was a serious joke. I had to justify the reason why I will be working abroad.

Prior to my application to work abroad, I joined the Emmanuel Fellowship. It is a charismatic fellowship at the Greenbelt Chapel in Makati City. That could be one of the reasons why I had the vision.

I saw several stars. There is a variety of sizes and in terms of brightness. After a while, these stars aligned each other forming an arc. The 1st star became the Roman Catholic Church, then the Protestant Church and followed by other denominations. Each one of them is represented by the big stars. In short the big stars symbolize the different denominations. After that, there were small stars coming out from each big star. Each small star was only heading towards a single direction to a big word written in capitalized letter. That word is "JESUS". The small star symbolizes the true believer, the true Christian.

After that vision, my perspective of the true unity that God wants had changed. There is still hope for this unity. In John 17:21, Jesus prayed for his apostles and all the future believers to be united. He said "Father, I pray that all of them will be one, just as you are in me and I am in you. I want them also to be in us. Then the world will believe that you have sent me". It is not through a denomination that the divided Christianity will be united as one Body of Christ but it is only through the Name given by the Father to His Son (John 17:11) and that is the Name "JESUS".

Do you want to be a part of the answer to the Lord Jesus' prayer? I do.

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